What are Connecticut’s crosswalk laws?
You may think collisions with pedestrians are easy to avoid provided that you drive in such a way as to avoid ever entering that section of the roadway that they control (a.k.a., the sidewalk). Yet there will inevitably be times when pedestrians must venture into the actual road when trying to cross the street. Fortunately for both you and them, designated crosswalks exist that afford them a safe avenue in which to cross. Yet a closer examination of Connecticut’s crosswalk laws may reveal that you know less about them than you think.
Yes, areas of the road surfaces that are marked for pedestrian traffic are crosswalks. However, unmarked crosswalks exist as well. According to the Connecticut General Assembly, these are areas where sidewalks connect laterally at intersections. As a motorist, you must yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian that has entered into a crosswalk. That is not to say, however, that you are automatically deemed at fault in an accident involving a pedestrian at a crosswalk.
A pedestrian crossing in a crosswalk whose foot traffic is regulated with a “Walk/Don’t Walk” signal must comply with that signal. If the signal is flashing, while they are in the crosswalk, they must make haste in reaching the other side before the traffic signal turns. They are not to enter into the crosswalk while the signal is flashing. The same is true about going against the direction of a law enforcement officer who is directing traffic. Even with your obligation to yield to them, pedestrians must exercise caution when using the crosswalk. That includes following the aforementioned guidelines, along with not running into the crosswalk suddenly enough to avoid allowing you time to stop for them.