How can I avoid inadequate lighting in my business?
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when setting up your business in Connecticut is not planning out adequate lighting. If your business is not well lit, you face the risk of injuries to employees and customers. This is a huge liability. By simply ensuring that your business has the proper lighting, you put in place a safeguard. However, figuring out what the right lighting is can be a major undertaking if you have never set up a business space before.
According to, adequate business lighting will illuminate areas where customer sand employees frequent to prevent the chances of falling, tripping or other accidents. Think about lighting in layers. You need to start with strong general lighting. This is the main lighting that will illuminate the bulk of your store.
You then want to add in task lighting where needed. This lighting type goes in areas where extra light is needed or that may be in areas where the general lighting does not reach. Finally, do not forget about outdoor lighting. Falls in parking lots or on walkways are often serious and best avoided by ensuring the area is lit well.
Make sure you also take time to check out the lights after installation. They should not be in areas where they will blind customers or employees as they move around the store. Also, do not forget about maintenance. You should replace burnt out lights as soon as possible. This information is for education and is not legal advice.