Company efforts to maintain premises can protect you
When you get into your car to go to the grocery store, chances are you do not plan on tripping and falling on a rug that has curled up and left a dangerous tripping hazard in the produce section. However, this kind of stuff does happen and can put unsuspecting customers like you, at risk of being injured. At The Law Office of George H. Romania, LLC., we are experienced in helping people in Connecticut to work through cases where they have been the victim of premise liability.
While a noticeable part of providing good customer service is a company’s ability to greet you, provide you with information and directions, give recommendations for certain products and services, and assist you with purchasing the items you came to get, there is another aspect that is sometimes forgotten about. This factor of customer service is a company’s ability to maintain their property in a manner that makes it both appealing to you, as well as one that is free of unnecessary hazards that could put you and others at risk.
Effortless HR suggests several important things that business owners of any company should implement in order to protect your safety as a customer. Some of these things include the following:
They should maintain a building that is up to code and has received the required certifications from the local fire marshal.
They should be aware of areas that may present a slip, trip and fall risk and mitigate those factors by installing resources to provide added protection.
They should provide adequate ventilation to make sure that the air in the facility is healthy and moving.
They should ensure that any areas with dim lighting be replaced immediately to allow you to see clearly.
When businesses do their part to maintain a facility that is both safe and hazard-free, you can enjoy your experience without being at risk of getting injured. For more information, if you have been hurt at a business, visit our web page.